Eligible businesses can now apply for discretionary business grants.
The government has given the council £2,248,180 in Additional Restrictions Grant, which is given to businesses that have been affected by the lockdown but are not legally required to close.
This funding lasts until March 2022 and is based on £20 per person in Crawley rather than the number of businesses in the town.
Eligible businesses are those who:
Applications for the Additional Restrictions Grant can now be made at grantapproval.co.uk
There are different types of grants based on the rateable value of property/property costs or business type.
Businesses can check if they’re eligible for the Additional Restrictions Grant by visiting gov.uk/guidance/check-if-youre-eligible-for-the-coronavirus-additional-restrictions-grant
There is further guidance and a copy of the West Sussex countywide policy on the council’s website. The scheme will close on Sunday 13 December and the aim is to make payments as soon as possible after that.
Councillor Peter Lamb, Leader of the Council, said: “While we haven’t been allocated enough funding to help every local business, we will do everything we can to support as many Crawley businesses as possible.
“If you need support please get in touch via the council’s dedicated webpage.”
Applications for the Local Restriction Support Grant opened on 17 November. Businesses forced to close by the second lockdown can apply for this grant at grantapproval.co.uk
For more details on help available for businesses visit crawley.gov.uk/emergency/coronavirus-information/businesses-and-employers